
The Fear... of a Woman President by Adrian Galli

Many are talking of the misogyny and bigotry toward women being endemic or a partial reason why Hillary Clinton did not win this election. I have no way of writing in completion an article on how much more complex I think this election was or the inequities of society at large and around the world. In fact, we over simply much of everything anymore and, in part, I think it is because of "the sound bite" or "the tweet." One hundred forty characters isn't much of a complete thought. We want to get “the burn” in and boast our egos and opinions while many opinions aren’t worth the bits they’re encoded in. That, however, is for a different forum.

There is something I would like to go on the record as a white male: I have always had an affinity toward strong women. With men, it is somewhat assumed that one will be strong and courageous. Perhaps that is also a societal downfall of the male population but I am not writing this to discuss the sociological implications of the patriarch. 

I really wanted to write this as small tribute to some women, both fictional and real, who are icons of strength, honor, intelligence, and power women possess.

In fiction (note the sci-fi motif):
Ellen Ripley (Alien)
Dana Scully (The X-Files)
Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Yu Shu Lien (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)
Kira Nerys (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Dr. Beverly Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth)
Guinan (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
President Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)
Lily Sloane (Star Trek: First Contact)
Catherine Willows (CSI: Crime Scene Investigators)
Michonne (The Walking Dead)
Aeon Flux (Aeon Flux, animated series)
Dr. Margo Green (The Relic)
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Catwoman/Selina Kyle (Batman Returns)
Clarice Starling (The Silence of the Lambs)
Terry Doolittle (Jumpin' Jack Flash)

In the media and business:
Judge Marilyn Milian (Former Florida State Circuit Court Judge)
Senator Elizabeth Warren (Senator, Massachusetts) 
Rachel Maddow (Political commentator)
Oprah Winfrey (TV personality)
Michelle Obama (First Lady of the United States)
Bozoma Saint John (Apple, marketing executive)
Madonna (Music artist)
Whoppie Goldberg (Actree and TV personality)
Sally Yates (Attorney General of the United States)

Women whom I know personally:
Jennifer Braatz
Sasha Navarro
Siobhan LaGro
Sarah Cameron
Marissa Stuart
Janet Thomas
Karen Stone
Jaquai Harris
Karen Koenig
Sheila Fitzpatrick
Carlye Hirsh-Wolf
Alex Mollon
Brooke Schulze
Colleen Rudziewicz
Tonja Thigpen
Beth Hefel
Patricia Thomas

This is a just a short list.

When people ask me why a strong female character (fictional or otherwise) is so appealing to me, I honestly do not have an answer. There is a visceral response for which it seems english has no words. It is not logical, sexual, or simply emotional. If a male character were to replace said female, I would not have the same reaction or connection. Perhaps it is because I prefer equals to subordinates. Perhaps it is because, in a generally patriarchal society, these strong women stand out so boldly. The reality is, I can’t entirely explain it but the sum of what I am writing is to assure women that you do have allies in men, like myself, who want to see your success because it would be awesome and we value your strength and who you are.

Let us (all of us) keep moving forward and not let this moment in time discourage. 

#ImwithHer (all of the Hers out there)

Polarr 2.0 for Mac by Adrian Galli

Polarr 2.0

Polarr 2.0

One of my favorite photo editing applications for both iOS and OS X recently received major upgrades. Today, Polarr 2.0 for Mac is available and ready to download. With a new interface, adjustments to filters, and extension support for Photos, it is one of my most recommended applications.

My review of Polarr 1.0 shared some of its power but new powerful and easy to use features are hear. Check it out on the App Store for Mac (and iOS).


WWDC 2016 by Adrian Galli

Apple's twenty-seventh year of the famous World Wide Developers Concerence and this years was no disappointment.

Not only have I worked for Apple for thirteen years, the technology that Apple innovates drives my business and personal life in ways I could not begin to communicate in a blog post. WWDC is always an exciting time of year for us in the technology industry and with Apple's four pillars of software development, iOS, macOS (formerly OS X [ten]), watchOS, and tvOS, there is more engagement than ever.

iOS 10 Today View

iOS 10 Today View

iOS 10 is the biggest advancement in the most advanced mobile operating system since the dawn of iOS. With rich notifications and widgets right from the lock screen, raise to wake, and more interactions using 3D Touch, iPhones and iPads are becoming even more powerful and this opens huge doors to developers.

The biggest announcement, I think, is the availability of Siri api. Third party applications can be designed to integrate with Siri like those built by Apple. Image: "Hey Siri, I need a Lyft to Midway Airport." Or: "Hey Siri, I'd like a flight on Delta to London, departing August 17th, in business class." With Apple Pay, one can then pay in moments after Siri find the appropriate response to the query. I can't wait to see what developers do with Siri.

macOS has been the core of the Mac for 15 years. It is an incredibly powerful, intuitive, and secure operating system that runs every Mac. Sierra, the name for macOS 10.12, has great power behind it. Siri, again, is no doubt my favorite feature with integration with the desktop operating system.

Siri, at its core function, powers a voice interface for all of Apple's major products now and can be access from all of these devices: Apple Watch, Mac, iPhone, iPad, AppleTV. If you don't use Siri, you're missing out on the power, ease of use, and fun.

With a longer list of great features like Picture in Picture, an upgraded Photos app, Apple Pay for web, Universal Clipboard (also part of iOS), Tabs for all [multi-window] applications, and advances in the integration with iCloud Drive, macOS will power the next generations of Macs.

Apple Watch was released a little over a year ago. It rarely leaves my wrist and has quickly become one of my favorite tools. Not to be relegated to "gadget status," I find I'm free from my iPhone. I used to drag my iPhone from room to room in anticipation of a message or a call or needing to know some piece of data like weather. But with Apple Watch, my iPhone rests nicely on the coffee table or night stand for hours while I'm at home and Apple Watch fills in while I'm free to move about and not taking my most valuable computer with me. 

watchOS 3 Dock, Breathe, Activity Watch Face

watchOS 3 Dock, Breathe, Activity Watch Face

watchOS 3 builds on a powerful and ever tiny computer for your wrist. The speed, up seven fold, the interface tweaked to allow quicker access to you most used apps, and new input methods for text that give freedom when Dictation isn't a viable option. Securely unlock your Mac while wearing your Apple Watch or use Apple Pay for the web to buy things quickly and securely online. Apple brings a whole new set of features to watchOS just for people who utilize wheelchairs and stress a relieving app to help lower said stress. The evolution of Apple Watch is just at the beginning. 

Lastly, Apple TV, the device that let me cut a major expense (cable) out of my life. Video on demand, iTunes purchases, Apple Music, Siri, games, and more, make the AppleTV a favorite TV and gaming console. Now supporting four controllers, developers have new opportunities for gaming and users have more opportunities for fun with friends and family. 

Check out all the new features in the online previews and be ready for the free upgrades in the fall. This is sure to be an awesome year for Apple technology.

Images courtesy of Apple PR