
AppleCare Digital YouTube by Adrian Galli

For nearly the past year I have been working on a special project at Apple creating and editing our videos supporting our customers with their Apple products. The team has been great and our content has been spectacular. It has been an amazing experience working on these shorts, especially on Apple Watch and introducing further the Ocean band as shown with Apple Watch Ultra.

One of my personal goals, and Apple’s, is to enrich peoples’ live through our products and empowering them to do more with their devices than when they first got it out of the box.

Technology is complex but that does not mean it should be complicated. These films are to give customers a little help, a little guidance, and a bit of ‘wow’ in their every day use of their Apple devices.

Check out all our videos on YouTube and catch some of tips and tricks on Twitter!

Apple Card by Adrian Galli

Image courtesy of Apple

I must keep this post brief and simply. As an Apple employee I can not review our products but I can share that in my wallet, I cary two cards. One, my Platinum Card by American Express, and two, my Apple Card.

Ninety-nine percent of all merchants in the United State accept American Express but for those occasions a merchant does not, there is a good chance they will accept Mastercard. My Apple Card is my catch-all and with 3%, 2%, or a minimum of 1% cash back, it adds up quickly for those purchases that don’t make it to my Amex.

I can share the reasons I find it most compelling. There are no fees—none—and the Wallet app on iOS helps manage your finances by showing you how much money you need to pay, total balance, statement balance, and interest you’ll pay should you carry a balance. It is very straight forward, no confusion.

My ethos around credit cards is that they should replace one’s debit card, for a long list of reasons, help manage your finances, and carry a few perks along the way. Apple Card was designed for this.

If you’re not sure what card to get, Apple Card is a simple, no surprises, good credit card. Can’t go wrong.

Pay off your balance every month, put it in Wallet, and use Apple Pay every time you can.

3% Cash back on Apple purchase and select categories
2% All purchases using Apple Pay
1% All purchases using card

Happy World Backup Day! by Adrian Galli

Lacie Porsche Design 1TB Mobile Drive, USB-C

Lacie Porsche Design 1TB Mobile Drive, USB-C

Today is World Backup Day!

Please take the time to make sure all your data on your devices is backed up. There is nothing more disheartening than learning your emails, photos, documents, videos, music, and more are all lost to the ether.

There is an old saying in technology—There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who have lost data and those who will lose data.

Backup your things today, on March 31, 2020, so tomorrow you’re not an April Fool!