
AppleCare Digital YouTube by Adrian Galli

For nearly the past year I have been working on a special project at Apple creating and editing our videos supporting our customers with their Apple products. The team has been great and our content has been spectacular. It has been an amazing experience working on these shorts, especially on Apple Watch and introducing further the Ocean band as shown with Apple Watch Ultra.

One of my personal goals, and Apple’s, is to enrich peoples’ live through our products and empowering them to do more with their devices than when they first got it out of the box.

Technology is complex but that does not mean it should be complicated. These films are to give customers a little help, a little guidance, and a bit of ‘wow’ in their every day use of their Apple devices.

Check out all our videos on YouTube and catch some of tips and tricks on Twitter!

The Red Latte by Adrian Galli

For several months, I have been working with some great people, Hart Ginsburg and Dustin Ryan Yu, on a project. I have been somewhat quiet about the project because I do not like announcing or sharing things until they are complete but the time is at hand.

A little background:
Psychotherapist by day, photographer by night, Hart envisioned a series of mixed media books; photography and writing. With inspiration from his time in Japan, his life here in Chicago, and his love of photography, he is involved in documentary and book projects, concerning contemporary challenges of the human condition.

Dustin, from Toronto, to Hong Kong, and currently in Chicago, with a degree in Psychology, designs and creates along side myself and Hart expressing his motifs of acculturation, adaptation, and immigration are themes that frequently recur in his art practice.

Together we produced a series of photography books and art installations that connect visual, audio, and written forms. With vocals by Japanese jazz artist, Yoko Noge, sounds mixing by Zac Schmidt, and music by Benjamin Thomas, I'm excited to share the trailer for On the Way: The Red Latte and the book available through Amazon.com.

Producer - Hart Ginsburg
Editor - Adrian Galli
Designer - Dustin Ryan Yu
Vocals - Yoko Noge
Sound - Zac Schmidt
Music - Benjamin Thomas

Polarr 2.0 for Mac by Adrian Galli

Polarr 2.0

Polarr 2.0

One of my favorite photo editing applications for both iOS and OS X recently received major upgrades. Today, Polarr 2.0 for Mac is available and ready to download. With a new interface, adjustments to filters, and extension support for Photos, it is one of my most recommended applications.

My review of Polarr 1.0 shared some of its power but new powerful and easy to use features are hear. Check it out on the App Store for Mac (and iOS).