
Annual iPhone Photowalk by Adrian Galli


I have more cameras than I can count but the old adage “the best camera is the one you have with you” is the reason I upgrade my iPhone yearly. And every year, I take a photo walk, a pilgrimage if you will, to put the camera to the test.

With the new ultra wide + macro lens on iPhone 13 Pro, this year was a little more exciting than usual as anyone who knows me knows I love wide angle photography especially the challenging ultra wide macro photography.

I’ve frequently compared iPhone photography to shooting with my Laowa 15mm Macro and this year it is more true than ever.

This entry into Hexagon is a journaling of the past few week withs iPhone 13 Pro.

Portraits of Produce — Squashes by Adrian Galli


Seasons bring new and unusual shapes and forms of produce. Pumpkins, squashes, gords, all have their own charm and look amazing close up. A continuation of Portraits of Produce.

Portraits of Produce — Pumpkin by Adrian Galli

Portrait of a Pumpkin

Portrait of a Pumpkin

Every season has a string of amazing item associated with it. No doubt pumpkins are one that comes to mind for many people during the month of October.

Picking up a baking pumpkin from Imperfect Foods, I added onto a long series of photos taking “portraits” of produce. In 2019 I played with a grocery store’s worth of produce and how I would interpret their photography if it were a person—taking its portrait.

More to come but this is a Portrait of a Pumpkin. Perhaps I’ll find some of the ‘weirder’ pumpkins out there and do the whole family.