
Portraits of Produce — Squashes by Adrian Galli


Seasons bring new and unusual shapes and forms of produce. Pumpkins, squashes, gords, all have their own charm and look amazing close up. A continuation of Portraits of Produce.

Portraits of Produce — Pumpkin by Adrian Galli

Portrait of a Pumpkin

Portrait of a Pumpkin

Every season has a string of amazing item associated with it. No doubt pumpkins are one that comes to mind for many people during the month of October.

Picking up a baking pumpkin from Imperfect Foods, I added onto a long series of photos taking “portraits” of produce. In 2019 I played with a grocery store’s worth of produce and how I would interpret their photography if it were a person—taking its portrait.

More to come but this is a Portrait of a Pumpkin. Perhaps I’ll find some of the ‘weirder’ pumpkins out there and do the whole family.

Anything is Amazing — Macro Photography, part 2 by Adrian Galli


Continuing creative endeavors during lockdown is very important for a health mind—and to keep our creativity from stagnation. Macro photography is always fun. Anything can be turned into a work of art, exploration of things small, and an endeavor into a world unseen by humans.

Shot on Olympus