
Live Photos by Adrian Galli

A new camera, a new way to take photos.

I'm always excited about new cameras and new camera technology. Many of my photos on this site, 500px, VSCO Grid, etc., are taken with my iPhone. People are stunned when they hear that one of their favorite photos I have shot was taken with an iPhone. I think it really goes to show that it isn't the camera but the photographer who really creates the image. But, a great piece of technology can promote the work of a cinematographer or photographer. I'm excited to see where this new technology will take my photography and others'.

What is this "Live Photos" you ask? You'll just have to watch the keynote.

Apple Keynote 9.9.2015

Learning to Love the Olympus 45mm by Adrian Galli

Dark Bass

Dark Bass

I shoot with a lot of different equipment. As a cinematography, I say, "I'm just happy with a camera in my hands." I take it as a challenge to shoot with gear I don't know and have never used.

I picked up the Olympus 45mm f/1.8 for my Olympus E-M5. It is a tiny and wonderful lens. To give a comparison, it gives a similar field of view as a 90mm lens would on a 35mm camera. While I'm very comfortable filming with that field of view, I found it more challenging to shoot photography with it. When I bought my Panasonic 20mm (40mm equivalent), I spent 6 months shooting with it almost exclusively (for my personal photography). It is my tip for anyone with new gear. It has become my favorite method for learning gear. That sort of "gear discipline" makes you learn it. You will know every limitation, every quality, every situation for and against using it. 

I spent the evening walking around the Loop (Chicago's central downtown area) shooting architecture, people, and other curiosities. After months of using this lens, I'm infinitely more comfortable with it. While I'm still a fan of shooting with wide angle lenses, some of my favorite shots are now from this lens/focal length and could only have been created using it.

Take the time to work with your gear. Don't worry about what you have, specifications, size, megapixels and all that. Go out and shoot! Photos come from you, not your gear. You'll enjoy photography and cinematography so much more when you can appreciate your equipment for what it is, not for what it isn't.


The Value of a Small Sensor by Adrian Galli

This article is huge to me. I shoot with digital 35mm sensors, super35, Micro Four Thirds, iPhones, and more. There is nothing more irritating than scuttle between photographer arguing about sensor size, equivalencies, etc. A small sensor is just as valuable as a large one.

My experience in cinematography is one where I value the background as much as the subject and foreground. You'll find that in many films, the background is very prominent and not just a blurry field of color. Many discuss ultra shallow depth of field; razor thin where only the subjects eye is in focus but their nose isn't. There is no doubt that in some situations that is important but I find the challenge and fun of finding an excellent background, working with the background, and making it part of the image so valuable that I wouldn't want to blur out such details.

I encourage you to read Why I Shoot with a Small Sensor