
Photos gets Extension Support in OS X El Capitan 10.11 by Adrian Galli

Many have been disappointed with photos for the Mac. I, on the other hand, have been using it for several months and find it very pleasing. It is better than iPhoto, not quite as powerful as Aperture, but overall it's a solid application.

This week, at WWDC 2015, Apple announced OS X El Capitan. The next generation of Apple's operating system for the Mac brings a new version of Photos. The application that mirrors the Photos app on iOS has many great editing tools but it does not reach the level of something like Aperture or Photoshop. With extension support, however, new tools can be developed by third parties to make Photos a powerful editing application while continuing to use the organizational tools and iCloud.


Photo Credit: Apple, Inc.

Photo Credit: Apple, Inc.

New editing extensions let you go further with your photos. OS X El Capitan supports third-party tools that will be available from the Mac App Store and accessible right in the Photos app. Use multiple editing extensions from your favorite developers on a single photo, or use a mix of extensions and the editing tools built into Photos. From adding subtle filters to using beautiful texture effects, you can take your photo editing to a whole new level.

This is a major improvement for Photos. I have been very much looking forward to this update. I'm glad that it is coming along so quickly with Photos.

Watch by Adrian Galli

When the iPhone came out, I was excited and saw some real potential. When the iPad came out, many wrote it off as a "giant iPod Touch." I wrote an article about how it would change my life and many others' lives and industries. I'm going on record that the Watch is going to do the same.  

But this is my site devoted to photography and, as such, I'll narrow my focus and say that while the iPhone changed my photography (for the better) I'm looking forward to the potential of how the Apple Watch will change photography. There are some neat apps for controlling one's iPhone camera from the iPhone. I imagine the app could also be modifiedor someone could make an app to remotely control a DSLR, mirrorless or other camera too.

I think it will even go further than that but just for now, as of March 22, 2015, I'm making the call, again, on the future of this new device. The Apple Watch had some really amazing prospects in its future. I can't wait to see what we can do with it. 

My Apple Watch of choice: Apple Watch Sport, 42mm, silver and white or, if I really spring for it, the Apple Watch, 42mm Space Black. 

Gear by Adrian Galli

Some people ask me what I shoot my photos with. I really will shoot with any equipment. I don't believe that gear makes you a good photographer. A good photographer can shoot something great no matter what the equipment in his hands is.

Never has someone asked me what camera I used to shoot a photo until after they say, "wow, that's a great photo." But the curious do want to know and I'm happy to talk gear because I enjoy it.

The photos on my site are from a few cameras. They are all mixed together. Some things were shot with iPhones (iPhone 4, 5 or 6). I also shoot with a Nikon FX (digital 35mm) and an Olympus Micro Four Thirds (m43) setup.

My Nikon gear is big and powerful; my favorite is my D700. The gear tends to be heavy so I don't do a lot of personal work with it. My Olympus gear is much lighter but really powerful. The lenses are small, the image stabilization is really impressive and the quality is superb. I shoot with it a lot because I can carry it with me everywhere. I find it to be a more fun system because it isn't the anchor that the Nikon gear is.

Some photos you see, however, are also shot with Canon DSLRs. I have been on shoots where I do not use my own equipment; it is provided for me. I'll shoot with any camera in my hands. I enjoy experiencing and experimenting with different cameras (both photography and cinema). 

I can give a million reasons why this gear is best for me but they best gear for you is what you like. I definitely recommend Nikon or Olympus (or any m43). Specifically I use an E-M5. But go out and finds the equipment that works best for you. Most importantly, don't worry too much about it; go out and shoot!