
Series 2 — Neon Signs by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, Series 2, a search through Chicago for its many unique and historic neon signs.

It was a tough time to head out into Chicago for photography because of weather and timing. There are so many I didn’t get to in my ten days for this project but I’ll be certain to photography more.

Series 3 coming January 31, 2019.

Geometry at the Museum of Contemporary Photography by Adrian Galli

Wave, Chicago 2015

Wave, Chicago 2015

I’m excited to announce that some of my photography will be on loan to the Museum of Contemporary Photography for the next three years.  

My ongoing Geometry series exemplifies the unique nature of light and shadow and its interaction with characteristics of architecture shown in extremely high contrast black and white. Fifteen of my personal picks will be shared at various times with the public—specifically Chicago-centric architecture 

See Geometry here or coming soon to the Museum of Contemporary Photography.

Series 1 — Portraits of Produce by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, begins with Portraits of Produce, the first series of the year.

Inspired by shapes, minimalism, macro, and an affinity toward dramatic, one point lighting, a project of what I expected to be half a dozen or so images just kept growing. In fact, I might continue this with other produce items that I didn’t get to photography (or couldn’t find) like fresh figs, several types of squash, and more.

I hope you return because a black and white version of this series may also appear. I decided this needed to be color in the moment but some of these images look really spectacular in black and white.

A funny take away: lighting an aubergine proved to be much harder with anticipated. The Story of the Aubergine, behind the scenes, on Hexagon on the way.

Series 2 coming January 21, 2019.

Portraits of Produce