Series 1 — Portraits of Produce / by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, begins with Portraits of Produce, the first series of the year.

Inspired by shapes, minimalism, macro, and an affinity toward dramatic, one point lighting, a project of what I expected to be half a dozen or so images just kept growing. In fact, I might continue this with other produce items that I didn’t get to photography (or couldn’t find) like fresh figs, several types of squash, and more.

I hope you return because a black and white version of this series may also appear. I decided this needed to be color in the moment but some of these images look really spectacular in black and white.

A funny take away: lighting an aubergine proved to be much harder with anticipated. The Story of the Aubergine, behind the scenes, on Hexagon on the way.

Series 2 coming January 21, 2019.

Portraits of Produce