
Geometry at the Museum of Contemporary Photography by Adrian Galli

Wave, Chicago 2015

Wave, Chicago 2015

I’m excited to announce that some of my photography will be on loan to the Museum of Contemporary Photography for the next three years.  

My ongoing Geometry series exemplifies the unique nature of light and shadow and its interaction with characteristics of architecture shown in extremely high contrast black and white. Fifteen of my personal picks will be shared at various times with the public—specifically Chicago-centric architecture 

See Geometry here or coming soon to the Museum of Contemporary Photography.

Series 1 — Portraits of Produce by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, begins with Portraits of Produce, the first series of the year.

Inspired by shapes, minimalism, macro, and an affinity toward dramatic, one point lighting, a project of what I expected to be half a dozen or so images just kept growing. In fact, I might continue this with other produce items that I didn’t get to photography (or couldn’t find) like fresh figs, several types of squash, and more.

I hope you return because a black and white version of this series may also appear. I decided this needed to be color in the moment but some of these images look really spectacular in black and white.

A funny take away: lighting an aubergine proved to be much harder with anticipated. The Story of the Aubergine, behind the scenes, on Hexagon on the way.

Series 2 coming January 21, 2019.

Portraits of Produce

Project Kr — A Year in Photographs 2019 by Adrian Galli

Hexagon Logo.png

In 2017, I embarked on a photographic journey. Feeling a bit stale and uninspired creatively, a New Year’s resolution of mine was to enjoy a creative endeavor just for my own growth, enjoyment, and challenge. No matter what was happening professionally, I would have a voyage of my own, that I controlled and made into whatever I wanted it to be.

A Year in Photographs (2017) was a massive challenge. Taking a photo every day for 365 days was not only hard to maintain from a time standpoint but a massive exercise in discipline. In fact, while creativity and performance was an important goal, the discipline was probably greatest accompaniment. Nothing stood in my way and nothing did. I succeeded in that journey.

On December 31st, 2017, I had to decide whether to continue the journey into 2018 or move onto new New Year’s resolutions. One January 1st, 2018, I did not continue the photography path. But there was a bittersweet feeling I had for several days. With a great sense of accompaniment, I still felt like I was leaving behind something that had become apart of my life—like a friend moving away or leaving a team of people who one loves working with. But there was also a sense fo relief. I one thousand percent recommend one take on a 365 Days of Something because it is such an incredibly rewarding challenge but no one can really relay the intensity it can be.

A good friend of mine, Tonja, is a music creative and my photography journey inspired her to make a beat every day. I know how difficult it can be and her stamina is inspiring to me.

So on this day, January 1st, 2019, I start the year by saying, I’m back and the feelings for this beginning are as anxious and exciting as in 2017.

Project Kr—36 series in one year. For each series, I have ten days. As much a creative endeavor as it is an exercise in quality, determination, and persistence.

It is difficult to put this moment all into words so I think the best way to start is:

Series 1 coming January 11, 2019