Seasons bring new and unusual shapes and forms of produce. Pumpkins, squashes, gords, all have their own charm and look amazing close up. A continuation of Portraits of Produce.
Portraits of Produce — Pumpkin /
Portrait of a Pumpkin
Every season has a string of amazing item associated with it. No doubt pumpkins are one that comes to mind for many people during the month of October.
Picking up a baking pumpkin from Imperfect Foods, I added onto a long series of photos taking “portraits” of produce. In 2019 I played with a grocery store’s worth of produce and how I would interpret their photography if it were a person—taking its portrait.
More to come but this is a Portrait of a Pumpkin. Perhaps I’ll find some of the ‘weirder’ pumpkins out there and do the whole family.
Part of Portraits of Produce
The American Way /
Photo credit: CPHoM Robert F. Sargent
We fight fascism and racism today, Jun 6, 2020 and we Americans fought fascism and racism on June 6, 1944. We were on the right side of history then. We are on the right side of history today.