
Best Professional APS-C Camera — FujiFulm X-Pro3 by Adrian Galli

Image courtesy of FujiFilm

Image courtesy of FujiFilm

Congratulations to FujiFilm for receiving “Best Professional APS-C Camera” TIPA Award for 2020!

FUJIFILM pioneered the “hybrid” viewfinder approach (optical/electronic), which is continued in the X-Pro3. Its rear LCD can be flipped downwards for waist-level TLR-type viewing or to display camera settings and/or the Film Simulation mode in use. The camera offers a wide variety of creative settings for exposure, focusing and image quality and effects. Its 26MP APS-C sensor has a standard ISO range of 160-12,800 (expandable) and can record 4K video up to 30p.
— TIPA Awards 2020

It is now secret that FujiFilm is one of my favorite companies. They’ve been doing some amazing work lately on multiple fronts. My FujiFilm X-H1 is a favorite camera of mine and can’t wait to get the chance to check out the X-Pro3.

Anything is Amazing — Macro Photography by Adrian Galli


It isn’t the first and it won’t be the last time I share my excitement for macro photography. The world as we see it is so muddy with the lack of details—or to be more precise, our perception is very different from the macro realms.

While here in lockdown, it is easy to slip into boredom and apathy. But for a creative, it is an opportunity to explore. I love to take to the ordinary world a macro lens and discover new beauty that can’t be seen with the naked eye.

Scavenging around my home to find pieces to photography was half the fun. I’ll be back with more. I’d also love to hear people’s guesses in the comments section of what some of these things are. More to come.

Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay creative.