February — A Year in Photographs — Minimalism / by Adrian Galli

Minimalism is one of my favorite photographic styles, philosophies, design methodologies, lifestyle, and anyone who knows me would agree that I seek it as one seeks water and food.

Perhaps it is misunderstood, however, that minimalism is boring, stagnant, clinical, or bland. Far from it. Minimalism is the approach to perfection.

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupér

I chose this theme for February because I journeyed to Joshua Tree early in the month and thinking it would be easy to find minimalism in the desert landscapes but found I was wrong. It was a significant challenge — and in fact, minimalism is always a challenge. Having nothing left to take away sounds like very small and very simple task but the irony is achieving minimalism is quite complex.