Processed with VSCO with b4 preset
Sunset @ 25,000ft – Day 361 /
Sunset @ 25,000ft, Indiana, 12/27/2017
Pocket Watch – Day 348 /
Pocket Watch, Chicago, 12/14/2017
Stitching – Day 338 /
Stitching, Chicago, 12/4/2017
Smoke – Day 318 /
Smoke, Chicago, 11/14/2017
Swirl – Day 317 /
Swirl, Chicago, 11/13/2017
Apple Michigan Avenue Plaza – Day 296 /
Apple Michigan Avenue Plaza, Chicago 10/23/2017
Light Post – Day 290 /
Light Post, Chicago, 10/17/2017
Gaze – Day 252 /
Wedding – Day 245 /
Wedding, Gary, 9/2/2017
A tribute and congratulations to a union of two good friends. Thank you for allowing me the honor of being present and documenting this special event. All the best to Mazi and Chrissy.