Illinois Center — Day 286
After nine months of photography, I found myself uncertain what theme to pursue but settled on perspective. It is an important yet broad topic in photography and thus I focused on a few perspectives on ‘perspective’—vanishing point, two-point perspective, and “look up”.
Oddly, it became a bit of a challenge. For such staple in photography, or perhaps because it is a staple, it was hard to find something new every day that both spoke to the ideals of perspective while including interesting subject matter.
Reflecting on the month, I can not give myself a “grade” for my work. Some photos I really love and some not. That isn’t really any different than any photography but compared to other months, I sometimes felt stagnant. On the other hand, some photographs I was indifferent too became follower favorites and others, that I did really like, got little adulation.
“The best part about creativity is that under no circumstances must you follow the rules.”
In the end, October took me to through Italy and Chicago and the challenges were important to explore. I do not ascribe failure to the month because it help me understand myself as a photographer better but ‘inspired’ was also not a deep sentiment for the photographs to created.
When I’ve told some I was feel a bit uninspired, they seemed shocked. I would love to hear some of your thoughts on this month. What stands out?