
Sophie Ndimande by Adrian Galli

Sophie Ndimande, 2023

On July 9, 2023, Aid Africa’s Children, a non-profit I work for, had the distinct honor of hosting one of our longest standing partners from South Africa, Sophie Ndimande, at a fundraiser at Lily Lake Resort in Wisconsin. We raised money and auctioned goods to support Sophie’s Crèche that feeds, educates, cares for, and distributes much needed supplies to hundreds of underserved children and their caretakers in Lethabong, South Africa.

One of Aid Africa’s Children’s next projects is to have a stand-alone building to house the nursery Sophie runs and bring new teachers to the crèche for the education of the next generation. If you have the means to donate, we very much appreciate your support.

Everything counts.

June — A Year in Photographs — Fashion by Adrian Galli

Hamduce — Day 155

May was a challenging month. I’m not as much a street photographer as some might expect. Photographing people in the moment of action feels a bit intrusive whether it is legal or not. But it was also a month of growth creatively as I came to really love what I was doing. While I’ve done people and street photography before, something clicked this time.

On May 31st, I didn’t want this journey to be over. I didn’t want just some other theme for my photography and I didn’t want to “just do another month of people” so I focused and challenged myself further in a theme I never had done before: fashion.

While I don’t have the time to setup photography shoots every day for thirty days, my challenge became approaching people who had an interesting outfit or accessory and ask them if I could photography them. It is still a bit surreal—it was very easy but also intimidating and a lot of work. It isn’t about ‘high fashion’ but what is fashionable yet I couldn’t just take a photo of anyone. They had to have a “look” that caught my attention.

But no less than thirty days, I photographed all sorts of styles, people, and moments. I made some friends and I learned a lot. Most importantly, most people were very open to me photographing them and some even appreciated it as a compliment.

Three pieces of advice I would give to anyone who wants to do this “street portrait” photography:

  1. It’s all about your approach. Be friendly, succinct, and honest.

  2. Offer them their photograph. Most people exchanged Instagram accounts with me and I would share their photograph with them. A courtesy for their cooperation.

  3. Slow down. While some people might be in a hurry, take the time to let the moment breathe—while you’ve getting set up or giving a few directions, as them how their day it, where they are going, and so forth. The personal touch is nice and it gives you time to get things right.

Fortune favors the bold.
— Adrian’s Life Rule # 105

I love photographing people from a fashion standpoint and, being one of the most challenging and rewarding themes, I will continue this in fashion in its own offshoot project. This theme has given me more ideas of other people related photography but onward I must go. Next month will be less about people—to explore other ideas and also to relax a bit but no less challenging.

See what July has in store for #AYearinPhotographs — go out and shoot!

May — A Year in Photographs — People by Adrian Galli

Gaze — Day 129

Of all the months I’ve been shooting, May has been the most challenging. Photographing people is difficult—especially in the street photography sense. This month has also been the most growth for me. And probably also the most fun because of that growth. I’ve become much more comfortable with feeling uncomfortable photographing strangers and am excited to continue doing so.

Allow yourself to feel comfortable with your discomfort.
— Adrian’s Life Rule, Rule 7

While next month I’ll have a new theme, I and going to continue this theme of People onward as a sub-project of #AYearinPhotographs.