
Joshua Tree 2023 by Adrian Galli

A spiritual place, some call it, quiet, peaceful, astonishing, beautiful, Joshua Tree is a one-of-a-kind region on Earth. Some friends and I took a trip to this amazing location and took a journey that one much experience.

Starting in Las Vegas, and a little fun at the casinos, we drove to Joshua Tree via the Mojave Desert but not before we stopped and hiked in Red Rock Canyon. Quite different from Joshua Tree, there was a serene quietness in the valley.

Quiet in Chicago is still noisy. Quiet in most places still has a buzz — a water heater, the sound of a distant car, wind whistling over a roof. But in Red Rock Canyon, there is nothing but the sound of silence. Perhaps one might hear a stone tumble down a distant rock face or a breeze rustle the branches of a tree but stand still for only a moment is one will know for a moment how quiet the Earth can be.

It is addictive — to stand in stillness, surrounded by quiet creatures, and awash in silence.

A premonition of things to come, we continued the journey south through the Mojave. There are a few obligatory stops along the way. The highway itself is unique—a single vector through a sloping desert. Mountains in the distance, shrubs and cacti nearby, and sometime the Moon makes its appearance in the sky like one might see standing on an alien world.

As we approached Joshua Tree and Twentynine Palms, the greetings of anticipation of a new adventure was in the air. There is a feeling like one might get standing outside an amusement park waiting to get in. Lights, sounds, shops, and cars scatter the landscape.

But this is all temporary. As we journeyed into the park, the entrance was like a portal to somewhere else. The silence and alien world returns, cellular signal diminishes, and the rest of the world seems distance. Even the passage of time seems to change. Time no longer mattered as we made our way through the Joshua Tree.

Our travels took us to Palm Springs for our departure back to Chicago but not before we enjoyed the quirky mid-century modern, futuristic town and some of the local outdoor adventures.

While we were only there for a few days, it is no doubt a place I will surely return. Having grown up in Cincinnati, with some decent hiking nearby, I had forgotten how much I loved and missed hiking, and being around nature. Chicago has beautiful outdoor amenities but is also very flat. One must travel hours to get to any hiking but even then, what we call a hill here is a bump to those out in the western states.

These are but a few photos of the journey. While there we visited the Cascade Trails Mustang Sanctuary, which is highly recommended and nearby, and Joshua Tree lends itself to some stunning black and white landscape photography, should you find yourself asking where your next outdoor adventure might be, Joshua Tree might be the right place to be.

2023 is still young and more adventures to come. What national park or other hiking spot would you recommend a visit to next?

The Landscapes of Joshua Tree by Adrian Galli

Joshua Tree National Park is considered one of the most awe-inspiring locations in the United States. The desert has a certain energy to it — silent, sometime hot, sometimes cool, objects that feel so close but are likely far away. But one of the most stunning observations is the shear uniqueness of each rock formation.

Sometimes only a few hundred meters from each other, they can looks as though the Earth has faces and moods, perhaps even happy and welcoming one to journey forward, while others a jagged, inhospitable fury of ancient geology.

Cascade Trails Mustang Sanctuary by Adrian Galli

While on a trip to Joshua Tree with friends, we stumbled on a quaint desert horse rescue operation—Cascade Trails Mustang Sanctuary. Some of these stunning creatures were former race horses while some were wild but all found themselves sanctuary here from an otherwise untimely demise. All fortunate to receive love and support from kind and generous humans.

Reserving some time with them and this tranquil desert farm, the horse trotted over to us as soon as we arrived—no doubt the sound of snapping carrots into pieces caught their attention. Feeding them these carrots by hand, the gentle giants nibbled and crunched away on one of their favorite treats.

Just across from their pasture was a family of goats. Funny creatures, they too were excited to have the company. Their treat of preference, grapes, and they made it clear with chortles of excitement. The baby was the favorite of mostly everyone, of course, being only a few weeks old, but all entertained the masses with their own personality.

Should you find your travels take you to Joshua Tree or just passing through Twentynine Palms, California, take a moment to reserve and hour with these magnificent creatures—perhaps donate a few dollars to support them as gratitude for their company. Bring some carrots and grapes with you and you’ll have a herd of friends around your in this tranquil desert landscape.