
Series 13 — Italia by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, a Year in Photographs, takes me further into Italy. While these photos actually overlap two series of this project, I could not let these not be part. In fact, several of my Italy photos cross multiple themes of this series, Neon Lights, for example, and also Geometry and Explorer.

I enjoy simply exploring my environment and these photos are just a small portion of the images created from this excursion to Lucca, Florence, Livorno, and Pisa.

Series 14, coming soon.

Series 12 — Cinema De’ Medici by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, a Year in Photographs, I ended up in Italy visiting my father in Lucca. During my visit I had the opportunity to put my cinematic eye to photographing a special house of the Medici family.

Black and white, a feel for the turn of the last century, 1930’s cinema, and a 23mm focal length. Shot on FujiFilm and processed on iPad Pro using Pixelmator Photo.

Coming soon, Series 13.

Series 11 — Chicago Alleys by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, A Year in Photographs, I search out the very thing that makes Chicago unique to so many other urban environments, alleys. From the Chicago Fire (1871), the city learned the importance of the prevention of the spread of fire. Creating alleys gateway to public safety, street sanitation, and some very interesting photographs.

Coming soon, Series 12.